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Distant Shores, Silent Thunder Page 26

Nelson gave a shaky laugh. “Then she might be the only one of us.” He rubbed his face. “Jesus. That kid...” He trailed off as his throat closed around another unanticipated swell of tears. When he finally managed to find his voice, he said, “Well. Let me go see her.”

  “Go ahead, but expect her to be drowsy.” Tory looked from Allie to Reese. “You can both see her, as well. But just for a few minutes. I’m going to keep her here until morning. I’ll check her hemoglobin again then, and if she’s stable and everything else looks good, I’m going to take her home with us, Reese. There’s nothing they would do in the hospital but keep an eye on her. And I can do that.”

  “Good,” Reese said gruffly. “I’d rather have her here.”

  For the first time, Tory touched her lover. She took Reese’s hand and squeezed. “So would I. Sweetheart, change your shirt before you go see her.”

  Reese glanced down and winced. “Yeah. I’ve got clothes in the Blazer. I’ll do that now.”

  Tory watched Reese walk away, the relief so acute now that the crisis had passed and she knew that her lover was safe for another day that her legs felt weak. She leaned one shoulder against the wall and took a long breath.

  “She’s really going to be okay?” Allie asked in a small voice.

  “Yes.” After a second, Tory turned and put her arm around Allie’s shoulders, giving her a hug. “She really is.” To Tory’s utter surprise, Allie pressed her face to Tory’s shoulder and wept. Soothingly, Tory rocked her. “It’s okay, honey. It’s okay.”

  “That fucker,” Allie sobbed into Tory’s shirt. “That fucking bastard. I’m so glad she broke his goddamned arm.”

  “Did she?”

  Allie nodded, breath hitching as she struggled to contain her tears. “Dislocated his shoulder too.”

  “Good,” Tory said vehemently.

  “Yeah,” Allie said with a sigh, stepping away and brushing the tears from her cheeks with both hands. “The guys said she never even hesitated. Took him down with a shoulder throw even though he’d...” Her voice broke. “...cut her.”

  Tory stroked Allie’s cheek. “She won’t remember very much about it. She’ll remember, but thankfully, the mind has a way of dealing with horrible things like that. She’ll need to talk about it—you all will—but you’re all going to be okay.” She lifted Allie’s chin and smoothed away the last of her tears. “All right?”

  Allie nodded, then turned at the sound of Nelson’s voice.

  “She wants to see you, Allie,” Nelson said, his color considerably better, the torment gone from his eyes. He smiled crookedly. “She sounds like a bullfrog, but she doesn’t look too bad.” He glanced at Tory. “The other doc says there won’t be too much of a scar.”

  “She should know,” Tory replied with certainty. “She’s the surgeon.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Tory slumped, eyes closed, in the leather chair behind her desk. At the touch of a soft kiss on her forehead, she opened her eyes. Reese bent over her, her arms braced on either side of Tory’s body. Murmuring a soft hello, Tory reached up and wrapped her arms around Reese’s neck, burying her face against Reese’s shoulder. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes.” Reese knelt, sliding her arms around Tory’s waist and cradling her against her chest.

  “When I got the call, driving here—” Tory halted, collecting herself. “All I could think was that you’d been hurt again. I can’t stand it when you’re hurt.”

  “I know you must have thought it was me. I’m so sorry, Tor.”

  “Oh God,” Tory whispered, her voice trembling. “It’s not your fault.”

  “I scared you. I don’t ever want that. And Bri...I put her in there. I thought I could cover her fast enough.” Reese shuddered. “I promised Nelson I’d take care of her, and I almost let her get killed.”

  Tory leaned back, her arms still around Reese’s shoulders, and fixed her with an intent stare. “That is not your fault. If Bri hadn’t been as well trained as she is, who knows what could’ve happened. And you trained her.”

  “The command part of my brain knows that—I’d make the same decision again about the execution of the operation.” Reese rested her forehead against Tory’s wearily. “But I don’t mind telling you, I was scared there for a minute.”

  “Me too. But she’s going to be okay.” Tory lifted an arm to check her watch. “I should go relieve KT. In another couple of hours, if Bri is still stable, we can take her home.”

  Reese kissed Tory, gently but firmly, running her hands up and down Tory’s back possessively. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of Bri. Thank you...for Reggie and...” Her voice failing, Reese turned her face to Tory’s neck to hide the tears that blindsided her.

  Shocked, Tory stroked the back of Reese’s neck, her lips pressed to Reese’s temple. “Darling, what is it?”

  “When I saw her down...the blood everywhere, I thought we were going to lose her. I couldn’t let her die—I couldn’t even fathom it.” She lifted her head, her blue eyes black with stunned awareness. “Because I don’t know what I would’ve done. All my training, all my life, I’ve been prepared to lose people. But you and Regina...and Bri...I couldn’t handle it.” Embarrassed as well as tired and stressed, Reese put her head down on Tory’s shoulder again.

  “It’s all right, darling.” Tory held her tightly. “It’s all right.”

  Finally, Reese straightened, smiling faintly. “Why don’t you get some rest? I can watch Bri as long as you tell me what to look for. Then KT and Pia can go home too.”

  “I’m fine for a few more hours. I got a little sleep last night.” Tory stood, bringing Reese up with her. She kissed her lover and stroked her cheek. “But you can sit with us if you don’t think you can sleep.”

  Reese took her hand. “I don’t want to be away from you right now.”

  Tory linked her fingers with Reese’s. “Good. Then let’s go take care of Bri.”


  It was very nearly dawn as KT and Pia walked down the path to Pia’s cottage. When they reached the porch, KT stopped and took Pia’s hand.

  “I don’t quite know how to tell you what it meant to me that you were there tonight.” Struggling to put words to emotions so foreign to her, KT kissed Pia gently. “I felt you—your faith in me and your certainty—inside. I...needed that.”

  “I’m glad I was there, too,” Pia replied, moving closer and wrapping her arms around KT’s waist. She settled her head on KT’s shoulder. “You would’ve been fine no matter what, but if I helped, I’m glad. You were wonderful.”

  KT laughed and kissed the top of Pia’s head. “For a one-handed surgeon, I guess I did okay.”

  Pia lifted her head and tapped KT’s chin with a finger for emphasis. “You won’t be one-handed forever.”

  “Somehow, I think we’ve had this conversation before.” KT kissed Pia again, a longer, more probing kiss, before she drew away. “I know you’re probably tired, but I don’t want to say goodbye right now.”

  “No,” Pia said softly, “neither do I.”

  Holding one another securely, they made their way inside.


  “Nelson,” Tory murmured, shaking the sheriff gently.

  “Huh?” Nelson’s eyes opened, and he shot upright, instantly looking toward his daughter, who slept a few feet away. “What?”

  “She’s fine. You need to go home and get some sleep.” Tory tilted her chin toward the other officer curled up on a portable stretcher nearby. “And Allie needs the day off, at least. I’ll take her home with me. She’s only going to be hanging around the house asking after Bri anyhow.”

  “Yeah,” Nelson said, his voice rough with sleep and worry. “The two of them are going to wear me out.”

  Tory laughed quietly. “I won’t disagree with you.”

  As they talked, Reese leaned over the patient and whispered, “Hey, Bri.”

  After a moment, Bri opened her eyes and frowned, struggling to focus on Reese
’s face. “Hi.” Her voice was weak, but her eyes were clear. “He didn’t...get away...did he?”

  “Not a chance.” Reese squeezed Bri’s shoulder. “He never moved after you put him down. They’ve got him up at Wellfleet while we sort out all the details. How are you feeling?”

  Bri appeared to give that serious thought. The sheet covering her twitched as she moved her arms and legs. “I’m okay, I think. What happened?”

  “You got dinged up, but Tory and KT took care of things. It’s not bad.”

  “I feel...sort of weak.” To demonstrate, she tried to sit up and failed.

  “Hey,” Reese cautioned. “You’re not ready to move around yet. We’re going to take you to our place so you can recuperate for a while.”

  “Nobody told Carre about this, did they?” Bri said anxiously. “I don’t want her to be scared.”

  “It’s okay. There’s nothing to worry about.” Reese bent down close to Bri’s ear, one hand smoothing back her damp hair. “I’ll take care of talking to Caroline. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  “Thanks. Okay...thanks.” Bri closed her eyes and, a moment later, drifted off.


  Pia and KT faced one another across the bed, the room aglow in the dawn light, the air alive with the fresh scent of the sea. The town still slept.

  “You must be exhausted,” Pia said quietly as she unbuttoned her blouse, her eyes on KT’s face.

  “You too.” KT unbuckled her belt, then opened her pants. She hesitated before removing them. “Everything?”

  “Yes,” Pia replied with a soft smile.

  KT pushed down her trousers and underwear, then stepped free of the crumpled clothes along with her shoes and socks. Deftly, she unbuttoned her shirt but left it hanging open as she watched Pia’s blouse drift down her arms and fall away behind her.

  With a hand behind her back, Pia loosed the clasp on her bra and drew it from her breasts. She watched KT’s face, saw her eyes flicker down. When KT’s lips parted with a quiet sigh, a flush of heat kindled in Pia’s belly. Slowly, she lowered her jeans and underwear over her hips. The corner of her mouth lifted in a smile as KT stood frozen in place, her expression one of stunned pleasure. “Your shirt.”

  “What?” KT asked, her tone befuddled. Pia was beautiful, just as she knew she would be. But it wasn’t the loveliness of her body or the wondrous smoothness of her skin that made her head spin, but her own amazement that she should be so lucky. So lucky that Pia should allow her, with all her failings and failures, to be the one to touch her first. She sought Pia’s eyes. “Thank you.”

  It was Pia’s turn to grow still, her heart hammering wildly as the flutter of pleasure in her depths soared into a thousand wings beating through her blood. “If I feel this way from just your eyes on me, I won’t survive your hands.”

  “Before I touch you,” KT whispered, shrugging her shirt from her shoulders to stand exposed, “I need to tell you something.”

  “You don’t,” Pia whispered gently. She extended her hand across the bed.

  KT took a step closer, her fingertips a breath away from Pia’s. “Pia.”

  “Just come to me.”

  KT took Pia’s hand, her eyes holding Pia’s, and said, “I love you.”


  Naked, Tory slipped into bed with a long sigh. She slid across the cool crisp sheets toward Reese and fit herself to the curve of her lover’s body. She kissed Reese’s shoulder, then settled her cheek against Reese’s chest.

  “Are they both asleep?” Reese asked quietly, curling her arm around Tory’s back and resting her hand just beneath Tory’s left breast.

  “Yes. Allie’s sacked out on the couch and Bri seems to be resting pretty comfortably. How was Regina?”

  Reese smiled. “Hungry. Once she ate, she went right back to sleep. I’m surprised, since Jean said she slept all night.”

  “I think she senses that we’re all going to be sleeping late today.”

  “Do you think she really can tell if there’s something going on?”

  “Babies are intuitive. The house is quiet, our routine is different. She’ll sense that.”

  “That’s amazing.” Reese nuzzled her face in Tory’s hair, breathing the fresh scent of her shampoo. “You were great last night with Bri. With everyone.”

  “Everyone was great. KT did an incredible job with Bri’s injury, even with only one hand.”

  “Do think she’s going to be able to operate again?”

  “I think if Pia has anything to do with it, she will.” Now that she had a moment to reflect on the tumultuous evening, Tory realized there had been an unspoken communication between Pia and KT that was obviously strong and unexpectedly tender. “Ah.”

  “What?” Reese asked drowsily, smoothing her palm over the arch of Tory’s breast.

  “KT and Pia.”

  “KT and Pia what?” Reese shifted, sliding one leg between Tory’s and brushing her lips over Tory’s. She was about to deepen the kiss when she made the connection. She pulled back and studied Tory’s face. “You mean KT and Pia as in...together?”

  “I think so. KT mentioned something about being interested in Pia, but I didn’t think it would go anywhere.”

  “Why not?”

  Tory was silent, absently drawing strands of Reese’s hair through her fingers. She thought about the woman she had known so many years ago, before the relentless pace of KT’s singular drive to succeed had come between them. She remembered tenderness and laughter and the warm sense of belonging. KT had had all of those qualities and even moments of uncertainty when she had turned to Tory for encouragement and support. Tory had seen glimpses of that woman tonight. “I was wrong, thinking that KT and Pia wouldn’t be good together.”

  Reese settled onto her back and pulled Tory into her arms, cradling her close. “People change.”

  “You won’t, will you?” Tory murmured, circling her palm over Reese’s chest.

  “My life already changed forever when I met you. And nothing will ever change the way I feel about you.”

  “I love you so much.” Tory kissed Reese’s neck and closed her eyes, certain, secure, and forever safe in their love.


  Still holding hands, KT and Pia slid beneath the sheets and turned to face one another. KT leaned forward and softly kissed Pia. The only points of contact between them were their lips and their fingertips. Despite the minimal physical connection, KT felt her body roar to life. She pulled back, her breath nearly deserting her.

  “I should say something like, ‘I know you’re tired, and we can just hold one another and go to sleep,’” KT murmured, her voice thick and low. She shivered and grinned weakly. “But I can’t. I just can’t hold back anymore.” She let go of Pia’s hand and placed her arm around Pia’s waist, slowly drawing her forward in the same motion until their bodies touched. Groaning, KT brushed her mouth over Pia’s. “I’m dying for you.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you.” With a nearly inaudible whimper, Pia clutched KT’s shoulders, slipped her tongue into KT’s mouth, and pressed as close as she could.

  At the touch of Pia’s skin to hers, KT’s mind filled with searing white light and every barrier—physical and emotional—disintegrated. She slid her hand down Pia’s back to her hips and turned Pia beneath her, moving over her to settle upon her. As she kissed her, probing kisses that teased and claimed, her fingers drove into the rich fall of her hair, twining in the soft, thick waves. Pia was everywhere, filling her senses, drowning her in a flood of desire. When Pia’s hand found its way between them and cupped her breast, lightning struck between KT’s thighs. She jerked her head away. “Christ. God, you feel so damn good.”

  “Tell me what you like,” Pia gasped, closing her fingers on the erect nipple beneath her palm. Her heart skipped when KT groaned. “I want to touch you everywhere. I love to make you want me.”

  KT laughed, shivering beneath the onslaught of sensation. “Want you?” She dipped
her head and nipped at the skin just above Pia’s collarbone. While Pia tormented her breast with tiny tugs and pinches, making her pulse stutter and soar, she eased her thigh between Pia’s. Pia was wet, hot against her skin. The unbridled evidence of Pia’s desire made KT desperate to be inside her. “Pia. God, Pia.”

  Pia sensed the storm brewing in KT’s taut body as the nipple hardened beneath her fingers. She loved the way KT’s breath caught and fled as she worked her teeth over KT’s breast. More. She wanted more. She wanted KT to feel the ache she had inside for her. She wanted to infuse KT’s body with the terrible, wonderful pressure she felt building inside her own. She wanted things she couldn’t describe and barely knew how to contain. She dug her fingers into KT’s back and pressed her face hard to KT’s breast. “Help me. Help me make love to you.”

  Nearly out of her mind from the pleasure flowing from her breast through her belly and pooling between her thighs, hungry for the taste and feel of Pia’s body, KT was beyond thought. “You are. Baby, you are. Can’t you feel what you’re doing to me?”

  “I want...” Pia dragged her hands over KT’s shoulders, fisted in her hair, pulled KT’s head back until she could stare through glazed eyes into her face. “I want to make you come. Tell me how.”

  “I think...” KT pulled in great gasps of breath, trying to form sentences. Pia’s desire cut through her, a sweet piercing pain that made her bleed from the beauty of it. “I think I’m supposed to...please you...the first time around.”

  Pia laughed, a wild, urgent laugh. “Says who?” She placed her palms against KT’s chest and pushed gently. “Lie down. I want to touch you.”

  KT had waited so long—so long to hear those words and all that lingered in their depths. Even more than her body craved the blessed relief of Pia’s hands, her heart longed for Pia’s tender solace. She didn’t struggle, couldn’t resist, wanted to shed the past—all of it: all the long, empty nights; all the frantic, desperate days; every regret and sorrow and shame. She wanted another chance. As she turned onto her back, she cupped Pia’s cheek, brushing her thumb across Pia’s mouth. “There are things I want to say. I can’t—I don’t know how.”