Distant Shores, Silent Thunder Page 24
“I can’t think when you’re this close,” KT groaned. “When you say these things, all I want is to be inside you. Pia, God, I want you so much.”
“Feel me,” Pia whispered, her arms tightening around KT’s neck again, her lips hungry on KT’s mouth.
KT was lost. She had no defense against Pia’s words repeating in her mind. I’ve fallen in love with you. Pia’s voice. Her own heart, echoing. With supreme effort, she broke the kiss. “Let’s go.”
“Yes. Yes.”
“Your girlfriend’s really hot,” a small, tight-bodied Asian woman in skintight black Lycra slacks and a spandex top nicely displaying her small, high breasts commented to Allie. Bri had just left to investigate the house under the guise of searching for fresh beers.
“Yeah.” Allie sipped her beer and regarded the woman nonchalantly. “This is a kinda weird deal, you know? The secret code phone calls and stuff.” She laughed and sipped her beer again. “After all, it’s just a party.”
“Well, you know, there’s a lot of stuff hanging around and you don’t want just anybody crashing.” The tone of the woman’s voice indicated that she considered the party to be an elite gathering.
Allie shrugged. “I suppose—although I haven’t seen anything too special in the way of party favors yet.”
“Is this your first time?”
“Hardly,” Allie snorted. Then she gave the other woman a knowing smile. “But I haven’t been around this circuit before. Just down by Providence. Do they have quality stuff?”
To Allie’s surprise, the smaller woman edged closer and snaked her arm around Allie’s waist before rubbing her cheek against Allie’s arm, almost like a cat twining itself around its human. “Mmm, usually.” She nuzzled her face against the curve of Allie’s breast. “I know who to ask. We can party, the three of us.”
“I want to know what I’m getting,” Allie said softly, stroking her fingers up and down the woman’s bare arm and shifting so that the woman’s hand settled on her butt. She didn’t want her to feel the transmitter. “I don’t want to get numbed out, you know? Especially if we’re going to play.”
“Play at what?” Bri asked as she edged up to them in the crowd. She caught the quick flicker of caution in Allie’s eyes and leaned in to kiss Allie on the mouth. Then she put her arm around Allie’s waist between the strange woman’s hand and the transmitter. “Who’s your friend, babe?”
“Hey, baby,” Allie purred to Bri, still caressing the other woman. “This is...” She turned her head and brushed her lips over the Asian woman’s ear. “What’s your name, beautiful?”
“Tamara.” Tamara extended an arm and trailed her fingers down the center of Bri’s chest and abdomen until she reached Bri’s belt. Then she curled her fingers inside. “Hi.”
Bri nodded warily. “We don’t usually do threesomes.”
“I can just watch,” Tamara replied, rocking her pelvis against Allie’s thigh. “Or I can help you do her—or you can both do me. Whatever works.”
“Tamara says she can get us what we came for, baby,” Allie said soothingly. She kissed Bri’s neck, then along her jaw. When she saw Tamara’s hand drift lower down Bri’s fly, she caught Tamara’s wrist. “Ask permission first, honey. That’s private property.”
“Sorry,” Tamara whispered, looking anything but. “You want me to score us something? I can get us E or coke—just about anything you want.”
Allie looked at Bri. “Come on, baby. Let’s play.”
Bri hesitated, then finally nodded. “Let’s all go get it together. If this is gonna be a night to remember, I wanna be sure I do.”
“What?” Nelson whispered urgently when he saw Reese stiffen and frown.
“They’re about to score the drugs,” Reese muttered. She was a little uneasy about the third party being involved. Allie and Bri had been particularly careful in not suggesting anything that could be considered entrapment, more careful than she would have expected them to be in light of their inexperience. Nevertheless, the sexual propositions might come back to haunt them if they weren’t careful. “They’ve hooked up with another woman who’s going to make the connection for them. I don’t think she’s a dealer. She’s just interested in...them.”
“Them?” Nelson asked, confused. When Reese said nothing, he bunched his shoulders and muttered, “Jesus Christ.”
“We’re going to have to be very careful with a civilian in the middle of this if we make the arrests inside.”
“What about—”
Reese held up a hand, interrupting him, the fingers of her left hand pressing the earpiece as if to make the transmission clearer. “Call Wellfleet. It’s going down any minute.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
KT pulled Pia down beside her on the wooden love seat that swung gently on Pia’s front porch, suspended from ceiling hooks by thick braided ropes. “Let’s talk for a second.”
“We’ve been talking every day, sometimes several times a day,” Pia said, her voice silky and low as she pulled her legs up onto the cushions and curled against KT’s side, “for almost a month.” She wrapped an arm around KT’s waist and nestled her head against KT’s shoulder. “And as much as I enjoy your mind, I’m more interested in your body right now.”
Despite her persistent unease, KT laughed, rubbing her cheek against Pia’s hair. “How is it that two weeks ago you told me quite emphatically that you weren’t going to sleep with me?”
“Two weeks ago you needed every ounce of your strength to get the drugs out of your system and your feet back under you,” Pia said softly. “You needed me to be your friend then, and I...I wasn’t ready to want you this much.”
“And what about now?”
“We’re still friends, aren’t we?”
“Yes,” KT murmured, realizing it was true and knowing that the last time she’d felt that way with a lover, it had been Tory. Thinking of Tory reminded her forcefully of just how bad she was at relationships. Still, Pia’s nearness invoked a familiar stirring in her body—the growing knot of tension deep down inside her that always came when she held a woman, smelled a woman, imagined the glide of smooth skin under her fingertips. It was a hunger, a longing so profound—to immerse herself in the mystery and wonder of all that was female—that she’d often followed her desire without thinking. Now, when a beautiful woman—a woman she wanted as fiercely as any she’d ever known—told her not once, but repeatedly, that she wanted her, she did nothing. She held herself back while her body screamed for release, aching and close to breaking. And still, she waited. “Yes, we’re friends. That’s why I haven’t touched you, when I want to so much.”
Pia shifted until she could look up into KT’s face, shadowed in the moonlight. “Let me get this straight. You don’t want to go to bed with me because you like me.”
No, because I love you. KT caressed Pia’s side, sliding her palm up and down the curve of her flank and over her hip. “You’ve waited all this time, Pia. Waited for something...someone...special.” She drew a deep breath. “I’m not special.”
“Tell me why you think you aren’t.” Pia rested her hand in the center of KT’s chest and slowly circled her fingertips, loving the subtle tensing of KT’s body when she touched her. She’d been aware of other women’s excitement before, of their need, but she’d never thrilled to the knowledge that she had created it. Not like she did with this woman. KT’s desire made her feel powerful in a way she had never experienced, powerful and humbled at the same time. It was all she could do to refrain from sliding her leg over KT’s, from cupping KT’s small, firm breast, merely millimeters away from her burning palm. “Tell me what I’m missing, because I think you’re very special.”
“I’ve spent most of my life meeting someone else’s expectations and never even questioning if those goals were my own. In the process, I was so focused on satisfying my own needs that I destroyed the most important thing in my life.” KT leaned her head against the wood
en seat back and stared at the darkness overhead. “I didn’t even know it at the time, that’s how out of touch I was with everything that should’ve mattered.”
Pia didn’t answer; she merely held KT tightly.
“Since then—well, let’s say I’ve been selfish when it comes to relationships.”
“Did you make promises you didn’t keep?”
KT shook her head.
“Did you lie about your feelings?”
“No,” KT rasped.
“Were you only concerned with your own pleasure?”
KT laughed wryly. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
Pia kissed KT softly, then drew back until she could look into her eyes. “Then I don’t think you’ve been selfish. And I’m not asking for promises.”
KT brushed her fingers through Pia’s hair and closed her fist gently around the heavy richness of it. “You deserve promises.”
“Would you be so worried if I hadn’t told you that I’ve never slept with anyone before?”
“I don’t know,” KT answered truthfully. “But you did tell me. And one thing I know for sure. I never want you to regret anything that happens between us.”
“You have to trust me when I say that I won’t.” Pia shifted until she straddled KT’s thighs, her knees on the cushions on either side. She framed KT’s face in her hands and lowered her head until their mouths met. When KT’s hand came to her waist, then under her blouse to tremble against her flesh, Pia murmured, “Please.”
“Well, you three look like you’re ready for some real partying,” Karl said with forced friendliness as he surveyed Allie, Bri, and Tamara.
“We were ready when we walked in the door,” Allie replied in a tone halfway between sarcastic and seductive. Tamara’s hand was still firmly attached to her hip, and she was afraid that any second the other woman was going to take a bite out of something vital. “And so far, all we’ve seen is beer. Pissy beer, actually.”
“Looks like you’ve scored a little more than that,” Karl smirked, his eyes on Tamara.
“That isn’t what we came for,” Bri growled, releasing her grip on Allie’s hand in case she suddenly needed both of hers.
“Come on, Karl,” Tamara crooned. “Why are you being such a prick?” She insinuated her other arm around Allie’s waist and ran her tongue over the point of Allie’s nipple, leaving a small wet spot on the material before smiling up at the big man. “Be nice to my friends.”
Karl’s eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second, and then he smiled again. “Well, we like to welcome newcomers.” His eyes flickered from Bri to Allie and then back to Bri. “Tonight everything is on sale.”
“So show me the merchandise,” Bri said steadily, her eyes on his.
“That’s it,” Reese said abruptly, removing her earpiece. “Put Wellfleet on the rear door now and another team behind us. You and I will go first through the front as planned.”
As she spoke, Nelson translated the orders into his radio, and then they were both moving through the low brush and taller scrub pines, ducking as much to avoid the swinging branches as to keep from being seen from the house.
“Maybe we should’ve brought more people,” Nelson panted, slightly winded.
“We’ve got the perimeter shut down,” Reese reminded him. “No one is going anywhere and we’ve got six going in. Two inside. We’re covered.”
Yeah. And the two inside are unarmed rookies. Nelson saved his breath and tried to ignore the sick knot of tension that had centered in his chest.
Inside the house, Bri closed her hand around the six tabs of ecstasy and extended the wad of folded bills she’d pulled from her jeans. “Next time we’re going to want more.”
“Any time. Just call.” Karl grinned. “You’re on my VIP list now.”
“Come on, stud,” Tamara urged, tugging on Bri’s belt. “We’ve got everything we need. Let’s go find someplace to do it.”
Bri and Allie followed Tamara down the hall. With an arm still cinched possessively around Allie’s waist, Tamara peered into several rooms until she found an empty one. She stepped across the threshold of the darkened space and looked around. “Mmm, nice big bed.” She tugged on Allie’s hand. “Tell your girlfriend to pass out the goodies. I’m so, so ready.”
Bri said loud enough for Tamara to hear, “I’m going downstairs for a beer, babe. Why don’t you two get ready for me.”
“Uh-uh, lover,” Allie said, dropping Tamara’s hand and grabbing Bri’s. “I’m not letting you go off by yourself. Not now.” She smiled and bumped her hip against Tamara’s thigh. “This one’s already got me awfully hot, and I don’t want you getting distracted when you should be taking care of me.”
Bri looked put out. “Then come with me if you want to. But let’s go.”
Allie kissed Tamara’s cheek and stroked her as she might a favored pet. “We’ll be right back, beautiful. You can even start without us, but don’t you dare come.”
“Hurry,” Tamara demanded, one hand absently toying with her nipple.
“Oh, we will,” Allie replied as she turned away with Bri. In a voice too low to be overheard, she said, “You take the back, I’ll get the front?”
“Yeah. Be careful.”
Allie grinned. “See you in a few minutes.”
“Pia,” KT gasped, “we’re going to break this swing.” Somehow, they’d managed to end up lying down on the narrow porch swing with KT beneath Pia, one leg still on the floor and Pia between her spread thighs. Pia’s hand had edged down beneath the waistband of her trousers, and, minutes before, her own hand had found Pia’s breast. “If one of us doesn’t break something first.”
Pia threw her head back and braced herself on the swing with a hand on either side of KT’s shoulders. She thrust her pelvis gently between KT’s legs, reveling in the pressure building in her stomach and the harsh, ragged sound of KT’s breathing. “Are you ready to stop resisting me now?”
“Baby,” KT groaned, “if I don’t get my mouth on you soon, I’m going to die.”
It was Pia’s turn to gasp as KT’s words—the image—struck like lightning searing through her nerve endings. She moaned as her clitoris quivered in anticipation. “Oh God.” She pushed away to stand on unsteady legs and held out her hand. “Please come upstairs.”
Wordlessly KT followed, knowing only that she couldn’t go a moment longer without being as close to Pia as she could possibly get.
There were a few partyers in the kitchen when Bri arrived. She walked straight to the back door that led out to a fenced patio-pool area and unlocked it. She stiffened infinitesimally when a hand closed on her shoulder.
“Going for a swim?” Karl asked congenially.
“Thought I’d check it out in case the girls need to cool off later,” Bri replied, turning to him with a grin. “I expect they’re going to get awfully hot.”
He snorted. “Too bad I’m working. I could help you out with them.”
“I don’t need any help.” As she spoke, Bri moved back into the kitchen, hoping to draw his attention away from the rear of the property. She expected to see officers approaching any second since she knew that Reese was only waiting for money to exchange hands to make the bust solid. She also knew that Reese wanted her and Allie to stay clear of the arrests if possible, rather than identifying themselves as police officers. Their only function at this point was to facilitate entry and help calm the partygoers if needed.
“Sometimes,” Karl said in a flat, hard tone as he moved closer to Bri, “you don’t know what you need until you’ve had a taste.”
Bri stood her ground, even though Karl’s crotch brushed hers. “Karl, don’t be an asshole.”
“Bet you thought I’d go for the girls,” he said softly, placing his index fingertip gently between the subtle swell of Bri’s breasts and pressing her T-shirt against her breastbone in tiny circles. “But I don�
�t. You know what I like, stud?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Bri caught a flicker of movement as the shadows in the yard coalesced into human form. At the same time, she heard surprised shouts from the front of the house.
Karl jerked, swiveling his head around. “What the hell?”
Before he could move, the back door burst open and two officers came through, shouting, “Sheriff’s Department. Everybody down. Everybody down.”
“Fuck this.” Karl never hesitated as he reached past Bri and lifted a carving knife from the counter. At the same time, he threw an arm across Bri’s chest and dragged her back against him, his elbow crooked beneath her chin, the blade swiftly at her throat. “I’m going out the back door, and she’s coming.”
There were several indelible rules that Bri had learned in the academy. Never give up your weapon. Never become a hostage. Had she never learned those rules, her reaction would have been the same. She had been taken by force once, and it would never happen again. No one was ever taking her against her will again, no matter the price.
Even as she clamped her fingers around his knife hand, she felt the first bite of the steel.
KT stood in the soft glow of the bedside lamp and lifted her left hand. “I want to take this off tonight, when we’re together.” Anticipating Pia’s protest, she hurriedly added, “I’ll be careful. I promise.” She held Pia’s eyes. “I want to come to you whole. I need to.”
“Oh,” Pia whispered, resting her fingertips against KT’s cheek where the barest hint of a scar remained. “You are.” Closing the fingers of her free hand around KT’s wrist, she lifted the damaged hand and kissed a spot that she knew KT could feel. “This doesn’t make you less. This makes you hurt.” She stroked KT’s face. “Hurts can be healed.”
“You’re healing me,” KT whispered.