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  “You’re going to write a kid’s book?”

  “You don’t think I can?”

  “I think you’d be wonderful at it. You’re a natural storyteller.” Tory grinned. “And you won’t have to go away to do it.”

  Leah kissed her again. “No, I won’t have to go away.”

  “I want you to move in with me.” Tory blurted it out before she lost her nerve. “We can change the house any way you want or we can sell it and build a new one.” She stroked Leah’s bare back. “I want to lie down with you every night and wake up with you every morning. When I’m working, I want to be able to think about you in your own office here, typing away on your laptop. I want to cuddle on the couch and watch television with you. I want to do laundry with you, cook meals with you, take naps with you.”

  Leah’s eyes filled and she laid her cheek against Tory’s heart. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”

  Tory attempted to sit up. “Let’s get dressed and go get your stuff now.”

  Leah pushed her back down on the pillows. “We’ll go tomorrow. We’re not done here yet.”

  “We’re not?”

  “No, sugar. I’ve got a big old red-nosed Rudolph that I saved just for you.” Leah pulled the sheet back to expose all of Tory’s long, naked body. “I just have to decide where I’m going to stick him.”

  Tory grinned. “Merry Christmas to me.”

  CJ Harte grew up loving words. By age four, she was reading to her mother, and by nine she was writing poetry. She wrote her first play in the ninth grade. She has written numerous short stories and poetry, which have been published in regional literary magazines and online. CJ wrote many of the lyrics, including the title song, for the musical Am I Blue? She is the author of Dreams of Bali, which introduces Madison and Karlie, and Magic of the Heart. She lives in Wyoming with her two dogs and enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and writing and reading. She can be reached at

  Dreams: A Promise Kept

  C.J. Harte

  Karlie Henderson stared across the kitchen table at her lover. Madison Barnes had once made her life hell and now made it heaven…mostly. “Okay, what’s going on?” She watched Madison push food around on her plate and then play with the glass of wine. Something’s up. “Neither one of us is pregnant, so that can’t be the problem.”

  Madison laughed. “You’re still a smart-ass.” She took Karlie’s hand and gently caressed it. “I’m sorry.” She thought about their argument earlier in the day. “I know I asked you to live with me last year, and this wasn’t what I had in mind. The two of us commuting between New York and Miami, catching whatever time we can get.” Falling in love with Karlie had been life altering, and now she often found the ground shifting under her and didn’t know how to make it firm again. “I just needed time to sell my practice and…”

  Karlie pulled her hand away and leaned back in her seat. She was tired of this discussion. “Please, Madison, I don’t want to argue.” When Madison started to interrupt, she put up her hand. “No, listen. Please. I offered to move, but you didn’t think your place was big enough. I said I could get my own place in Miami, and you thought it was ridiculous for us to live in different houses. I suggested I apply for a vacancy at Florida State University in Tallahassee, and you didn’t want me living that far away. Madison, New York is a hell of a lot farther. We’ve been lovers for nearly a year.”

  She took a deep breath, hating the anxiety that was threatening to drive a wedge between them. “If you’re not ready for me to move in, I accept that, but I don’t want to spend the rest of our lives like this.” She again held Madison’s hand. “Now, take me to bed so I will miss you terribly when you leave in the morning.”

  When she woke up, Karlie found the bed empty. Madison was already in the shower. As much as Karlie wanted to beg Madison to stay, her pride kept her in bed. Only the cries from the puppy Madison had given her finally forced her to get up and get dressed. “Come on, Alice B,” Karlie called as she grabbed the miniature poodle’s leash. “I think we both need a walk.”

  By the time she got back, Karlie was calm and ready to say good-bye. Again. Madison was already dressed and packed, her bags at the door. “What time is your case?”

  “It’s just a preliminary hearing this afternoon, but I need to get there early enough to meet my client.” She paused, as if looking for something more to say. “I’ve already called for a cab.”

  “Is this a new client, then?”

  “Yeah, he’s…” Madison stopped. “Karlie, this is a good kid who…”

  I will not cry, Karlie thought. “Madison, you are doing what you love.” She kissed Madison with a new hesitancy. “Now go, before I start taking your clothes off.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know. I love you, too.”

  “Are you coming down next weekend?”

  Karlie looked down at her hands. “I’ve got a lot to do. End-of-semester stuff.” She finally looked up. “Maybe we ought to just focus on work until Christmas break. It’s only a month away.”

  “A month?” Madison sounded shocked.

  “I think we both need some time.” Karlie quickly hugged Madison one last time, then opened the door. “Now go. The cab must be here.”

  “Fine! I’ll probably be busy anyway.” Madison grabbed her bag and stormed off.

  Karlie watched Madison walk away, feeling a void opening up. “Why does love have to be so complicated?”


  Madison slammed down the phone. “Fuck it,” she shouted. She really wanted to throw something. Nothing had gone well in the three days she had been back in Miami. For the first time in her career, she didn’t give a fuck about the law. She missed Karlie so much it hurt. “Well, then, do something about it.” She turned her chair around and stared out at Biscayne Bay. She had never felt lonelier. She laughed at the realization. “I’m the one who avoided commitments.”

  Sure, she had changed in the past year, but not enough to make room in her day to day life for the woman she loved. The only woman I have ever loved. It was time to do something. She called in her senior legal staff and then called her sister Dee. It took the rest of the week, but she had a plan. Once she made up her mind, she acted.


  On Saturday, Karlie got a call from Madison.

  “Did you know that my mother is English?” Madison asked.

  That was the last thing Karlie expected to hear. “I vaguely remember Dee saying something about that when we were in college. Is something wrong with your mother?”

  “Not hardly. She and Dad will be returning to Florida the first of December. As usual, they want to have a big family gathering to announce their return. Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to London and Paris with me for Christmas. I need to take care of some things for my mother and I thought it would be a great way for the two of us to spend a month together.”

  “A month?” They hadn’t had more than three days together in over six months. “That’s a wonderful idea, but what about Bali?”

  “We were there last year and I went to escape. Now I have you, and I want to celebrate the holidays with you.”

  Karlie couldn’t believe Madison would take that much time away from work. Suddenly doubt and worry struck. She was still feeling guilty for the way their last visited ended. “You really mean a whole month?”

  “Absolutely. With you.”

  Madison sounded so assured. “Yes,” Karlie said, “I would love to go. What’s the plan?”

  “I’ll fly up there and we’ll leave from New York. See you in a couple of weeks.” Karlie thought she heard a sigh of relief. “I really do love you.”


  “I’ve never flown in first class,” Karlie said, impressed with the accommodations so far. She had a glass of champagne in her hand even before they had taken off. The phenomenal success of her first romance novel had given her more money than she had ever hoped for, but she still was conserva
tive in her spending. “University profs are not rich.”

  “I’ve spent so little of the money my grandparents left in trust,” Madison explained, “and Dee and I will someday inherit my parents’ assets, too. I decided it’s time to spend some. Besides, you’re worth it.” For the first time in her life Madison had someone she wanted to have fun with. She and her sister had been raised by a succession of nannies while her socialite parents traveled and led their own lives. She had assumed responsibility for her younger sister at a very early age. As a result, work had always come first, whether it was school, college, or her law career. Now she wanted to play. “And you will just have to wait to see what else is planned.”

  What’s going on? Karlie wondered. This was a new side to Madison, one she had not seen before. “I can do that, as long as we are together.”

  “I need to tell you that my parents were disappointed you wouldn’t be joining them at Christmas. The notorious Karlyn Henderson would be even more stellar this year than you were as just a writer last year.”

  “I would much rather be known for writing and teaching, not for being arrested for murder or having my lover shot defending me.” Unpleasant memories flooded to the surface, and Karlie fought back tears. “Sorry. The thought of losing you scared me. And I would much prefer being known as Madison Barnes’s wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, talented lover.” She stroked Madison’s hand and familiar desire stirred. “God, I want you.”

  Madison smiled smugly. “Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time.”

  “Okay, when are you going to tell me what we’re going to do?”

  “Patience, my dear.”

  “I can’t believe you said that. Miss I-got-to-have-it-now.”

  “I’m learning. You know, you’re an excellent teacher.”

  “And you are my best student.” The leer on Madison’s face negated the need for words. Needing a diversion until they landed, Karlie grabbed her headphones and scrolled through the list of movies. “I am not listening to this. Go to sleep.”


  Heathrow Airport and customs went smoothly, and during the luxurious limousine ride into central London, Karlie had watched the passing scenery and contemplated the past year. So many changes and challenges for them both. Neither of them trusted easily. Now they were building that trust.

  “Madison, this place is beautiful.” Karlie turned around in a complete circle, absorbing the beauty of her surroundings. The Dorchester’s opulence was far beyond anything she could imagine. She was on visual overload. Almost immediately their bags were whisked off to the elevator. Lift, Karlie reminded herself. The lift stopped at the top of the Dorchester and they were escorted to one of three uniquely decorated suites. When they were finally alone, she kissed Madison. “Make love to me right now, in this room and every room.”

  “Including the bathroom?”

  “Every room!”

  “Demanding, aren’t you?” Madison teased as she began to undress Karlie. She trailed kisses down the side of Karlie’s neck, enjoying the change in her lover’s breathing. “God, I love you.” Madison recognized the heat between her legs and hoped she could last long enough to carefully remove her lover’s clothes. She may want to wear this again. I can’t believe how much I want her.

  They made love in every room and sometimes twice in the same room until Madison was too exhausted to move. “We probably should have saved the bedroom for last. This bathroom floor is cold and hard.”

  “I can’t move.”

  “Neither can I.” Laughter soon filled the room as Madison tried to lift Karlie from the floor. “Delilah, you have sapped my strength.”

  “Well, Samson, just give me your hand and let’s see if I can stand up.” Once standing, Karlie pulled Madison into the bedroom and quickly fell asleep. It was dark by the time she woke up. “Samson, I’m hungry.”

  “Room service?”

  “No, we go out. I don’t want to miss a minute.”

  “Let me make a call and get reservations, then we’ll shower and get dressed.” An hour later the phone rang and the reservations were confirmed. “Let’s go, beautiful. Too much to see and do.”

  For the next ten days, Madison had every day planned. They drove to Bath and visited the home of Jane Austen, one of Karlie’s favorite authors. Then on to Wales and finally back to London with stops in Windsor and Cambridge. The restaurants and hotels were all exceptional and they never ate in the same place twice. Madison experienced a mix of emotions she often had no name for. Her love for Karlie, at times, was so intense she felt control slipping away.

  “Madison, thank you,” Karlie said over high tea after a day of shopping at Fortnum & Mason. “For an English major, this has been an incredible trip. You’ve taken me to museums, which you hate, gone shopping with me, which you find boring, walked with me through Westminister, which you called a tomb. You even walked with me all over Harrods and bought me their Christmas bear. This has been the happiest time of my life. I can’t imagine anything better.”

  “It’s so little compared to what you have given me. I’m just sorry I’ve taken so long to figure this out.”

  “Madison, you…”

  “No, please. You’re right. I don’t know how to make a commitment, but I’m learning. I do love you. I promise things will be better.” She gently placed her hand on top of Karlie’s. “Tomorrow we’re getting on the Eurostar and going to Paris.”

  “Paris? Oh, Madison, how romantic.”

  “I think you wrote a love story set there.” She looked at Karlie and her heart pounded with all the love inside. She was learning about love. “I’m glad you’re happy.”


  Madison had arranged for a private guide through the Louvre. She thrilled at the oohs and aahs coming from Karlie as they went through the different halls. She enjoyed the Louvre more than she had imagined because she was sharing the experience with Karlie.

  When they stopped in the museum café for lunch, Karlie finally asked, “Okay, how did you arrange all this? I know you have unlimited funds, but I don’t think travel agencies make these trips this personal.”

  Madison leaned back in her chair. How much to tell? No, the real intent won’t be given away. “My sister discovered this wonderful organization, Privus, that plans personalized trips just for women. I joined and told them the kinds of places we would like to go, our budget and all that, and they arranged everything.” She leaned closer and murmured, “I wanted this to be special.”

  “It is.” Karlie hesitated, old insecurities rising. “I just hope you aren’t planning to dump me after and this is your way of saying good-bye.”

  Madison clasped Karlie’s hand. “I don’t ever want to say good-bye.”

  The seriousness in Madison’s voice was unsettling. Could Madison be ill? She had recovered from the gunshot wound last year. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m more than fine. I have you.”

  Karlie looked carefully into Madison’s eyes and saw only love. She trusted that. Trusted her. “In that case, let’s find the guide and continue our tour.”

  For the next three days they strolled the banks of the Seine, visited Notre Dame, and walked throughout the Latin Quarter, stopping in shops whenever something attracted their attention. Karlie was ecstatic. “I feel like I’m on a marathon arts pilgrimage.” She pulled Madison closer. “Thank you.”

  “You’re doing my parents proud. They’ve been trying to get me to do this for years. Instead I learned to box and shoot guns.”

  “And quite well. Now for more culture.”

  “Have I told you I love you?”

  Karlie looked at her watch. “Not in the last hour.”

  Madison just smiled and allowed her lover to drag her along on their next adventure.


  On Christmas Eve, Madison walked arm in arm with Karlie down to the Seine. A bateau had been chartered just for their evening cruise, and it was almost time to board. Over the last few days, she had been more a
t peace than ever in her life. She knew she was making the right decision. Once they were seated, she ordered champagne. It was a large boat, one that could easily seat seventy or eighty people, but they were the only guests. “May I propose a toast?”

  “To us?”

  “Kind of. To promises kept. A year ago I asked you to move in with me.” The joy vanished from Karlie’s face. “Wait. You were right. I was afraid. I felt comfortable with the way things were—you in New York and me in Miami.” Madison reached across the table and took Karlie’s hand. “You’ve made me want things I didn’t know I wanted. I do want to live with you—more than I want to practice law.”

  Karlie gasped. “I thought sex was the only thing you loved more than the law.”

  “Ouch. That’s my old Karlie.” Madison smiled, falling more in love every moment. “Only with you, dear.”

  “I’m sorry. That just slipped out.”

  “Let’s step outside. The view right now is magnificent.” Madison held Karlie’s coat as she slipped it on. December on the river was generally cold and damp. Outside, the Eiffel Tower was sparkling with thousands of lights.

  “It’s beautiful,” Karlie said. “I’ve never seen anything so lovely.” She turned and found Madison’s arms. “Please hold me. I need to be close to you. Let’s just look.” Madison pulled Karlie tighter and turned them so they both could watch the Eiffel Tower lights. When she felt Karlie shivering in the cold, she led them both inside. A covered plate sat in front of Karlie’s seat. “Hmm. Wonder what that is?”

  Madison helped Karlie to her seat and lifted the cover, revealing a small burgundy velvet box with the name of an English jeweler embossed on the lid. She sat next to Karlie, opened the lid, and held the box out to Karlie. “Karlyn Henderson, will you marry me? I may not have lived up to my promise in the past, but now I can’t live without you. I made a promise to you a year ago and I want to remedy it. Marry me?”


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